Post-operative Instructions & Information
Essential information and resources to guide your recovery.

During your pre-surgical consultation, Sam will outline the expected inpatient stay and recovery time, bearing in mind that these often need to be individualised.
Sam believes that your recovery from surgery, or your recovery from birth, should be individualised. Sam will discuss with you what this may mean for your normal duties at home, as well as return to exercise, driving, and work.
If Sam cares for you during pregnancy and birth, that care continues in the postnatal period. During your inpatient stay following the birth of your baby, Sam or one of her colleagues, will visit you each day and along with the hospital midwives, guide you through your postnatal recovery. It is routine for Sam to see you for a postnatal review 6weeks following your baby's birth.
If you are a gynaecological surgical patient, Sam will review you after the procedure, and explain what was found, what was done, and how it all went. If you wish, Sam can also phone your next of kin to pass on any information.
If you stay in overnight, Sam (or occasionally another colleague) will review you on the ward each day to check on your recovery. You will leave hospital with a handout describing your expected recovery, and symptoms or signs to watch out for, along with a description of any new medications prescribed. Sam will usually book a postoperative appointment with you between 2-6weeks following your surgery. If you don’t have this booked prior to your surgery, please remember to phone the rooms once you are home to schedule this follow-up.
Should you have any urgent medical concerns during the initial 6 weeks following your surgery or postpartum, please phone Sam on her pager
– 03 9387 1000.

Resources to help you in every situation
Following birth, or on discharge following surgery, you will receive information regarding your recovery. Some additional important resources are linked here.